Audition Slot on 21-Apr-2014 at 9:00 pm

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Resumes should include previous theatre or performing experience plus any relevant training.
Here's some examples.
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Instruments Required

  • Cello
  • Percussion
  • Keyboard
  • Alto Saxophone
  • Clarinet
  • Flute
  • Oboe
Please describe the piece(s) you will be playing.
You may come back to enter these at any time including during sign-in before your audition.


Mondays from 7-9 pm starting May 9th at the Beddington Heights Community Arts Centre

PLEASE NOTE: For the week prior to opening (i.e. beginning Sunday June 15th), please expect a rehearsal or other activity on each day.

Please be aware that Front Row Centre Players Society is a volunteer-based, non-Equity community theatre organization that does not pay actors or musicians. Bringing a show to the stage is a communal effort and you will be asked and expected to take part in activities beyond the stage or pit, including but not limited to costume, prop, or set production. In return for this, FRC has opted to waive the $35 membership fee for all volunteers.
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In submitting this form, you acknowledge that, if selected as performer or crew, FRC may use still photos taken during rehearsals or performances on the FRC website or for other promotional purposes deemed suitable by FRC.
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Please also acknowledge that a list of team phone numbers and e-mails will be created and distributed to the team.
Please check this box to indicate your release of information in this manner: