Photos of Doug Keeling

Rocky Horror Show
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Roy Styan as Dr. Scott
- Michael Brown as Frank 'n' Furter
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Rocky Horror Show
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Ginette Simonot as Columbia
- Michael Brown as Frank 'n' Furter
- Matt McDonald as Transilvanians
- Cody Field as Transilvanians
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
- Danielle Desmarais as Choreographer
- Janos Zeller as Transilvanians
- Maria Fernandez as Transilvanians
- Angela Valiant as Janet
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Rocky Horror Show
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Ginette Simonot as Columbia
- Matt McDonald as Transilvanians
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
- Cody Field as Transilvanians
- Roy Styan as Dr. Scott
- Danielle Desmarais as Choreographer
- Kevin Trumble as Brad
- Maria Fernandez as Transilvanians
- Janos Zeller as Transilvanians
- Angela Valiant as Janet
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Rocky Horror Show
- Roy Styan as Dr. Scott
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Michael Brown as Frank 'n' Furter
- Ginette Simonot as Columbia
- Cody Field as Transilvanians
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
- Danielle Desmarais as Choreographer
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Rocky Horror Show
- Roy Styan as Dr. Scott
- Ginette Simonot as Columbia
- Berkeley Pickell as Riff Raff
- Kevin Trumble as Brad
- Michael Brown as Frank 'n' Furter
- Angela Valiant as Janet
- Greg Spielman as Narrator
- Shana Nowlin as Magenta
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Danielle Desmarais as Choreographer
- Janos Zeller as Transilvanians
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
- Charlie Deagnon as Eddie
- Cody Field as Transilvanians
- Maria Fernandez as Transilvanians
- Matt McDonald as Transilvanians
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Rocky Horror Show
- Ginette Simonot as Columbia
- Berkeley Pickell as Riff Raff
- Kevin Trumble as Brad
- Michael Brown as Frank 'n' Furter
- Angela Valiant as Janet
- Greg Spielman as Narrator
- Shana Nowlin as Magenta
- Doug Keeling as Rocky
- Danielle Desmarais as Choreographer
- Janos Zeller as Transilvanians
- Tanis Laatsch as Transilvanians
- Maria Fernandez as Transilvanians
- Charlie Deagnon as Eddie
- Cody Field as Transilvanians
- Matt McDonald as Transilvanians
Photo by John K. Nairn (Northern Scenic Photography)

Monty Python's Spamalot
- Doug Keeling as Sir Galahad
- Hayley Feigs as Mrs Galahad/Wench
- Mike Beattie as King Arthur
- Colton Duane as Patsy
Photo by Justin Michael Carriere

Monty Python's Spamalot
- Janos Zeller as Director
- Tenaj Williams as Sir Robin
- James McGowan as Sir Lancelot
- Doug Keeling as Sir Galahad
- Colin Lowe as Sir Bedevere/Concorde
Photo by Justin Michael Carriere

Monty Python's Spamalot
- James McGowan as Sir Lancelot
- Doug Keeling as Sir Galahad
- Colin Lowe as Sir Bedevere/Concorde
- Colton Duane as Patsy
- Mike Beattie as King Arthur
Photo by Justin Michael Carriere

Monty Python's Spamalot
- Hayley Feigs as Mrs Galahad/Wench
- Colton Duane as Patsy
- Stuart MacLeod as Prince Herbert
- Colin Lowe as Sir Bedevere/Concorde
- James McGowan as Sir Lancelot
- Mike Beattie as King Arthur
- Tenaj Williams as Sir Robin
- Carlyn Miller as Lady of the Lake
- Steven Eastgaard-Ross as Lead Minstrel/Brother Maynard
- Doug Keeling as Sir Galahad
Photo by Justin Michael Carriere

Monty Python's Spamalot
- James McGowan as Sir Lancelot
- Doug Keeling as Sir Galahad
- Chris Willott as Mayor of Finland/French Taunter
- Colin Lowe as Sir Bedevere/Concorde
- Colton Duane as Patsy
- Tenaj Williams as Sir Robin
- Mike Beattie as King Arthur
Photo by Justin Michael Carriere

- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
- Paul Lokodi as Lyle
- Samantha Bellamy-Smith as Ensemble
- Ericka Esplin as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet

- Desiree Kenny as Ensemble
- Ty Kennedy as Travis
- Christopher Mavin as Willard Hewitt
- Bryan Smith as Ren McCormack
- Nicole Dickinson as Ensemble
- Jason Bakaas as Ensemble
- Harrison Bentley as Ensemble
- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
Photo by Andre Goulet

- Jason Bakaas as Ensemble
- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
- Jacqueline Bourque as Ariel Moore
- Graham Phillips as Garvin
- Samantha Bellamy-Smith as Ensemble
- Ericka Esplin as Ensemble
- Mariane Barredo as Ensemble
- Rhonda Mottle as Betty Blast
- Allison Tennent as Eleanor Dunbar
Photo by Andre Goulet

- Allison Tennent as Eleanor Dunbar
- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
- Chelsea Millard as Ethel McCormack
- Nicole Dickinson as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet

- Allison Tennent as Eleanor Dunbar
- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
- Chelsea Millard as Ethel McCormack
- Nicole Dickinson as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet

- David Mottle as Chuck Cranston
- Allison Tennent as Eleanor Dunbar
- Doug Keeling as Cowboy Bob/Jeter
- Chelsea Millard as Ethel McCormack
- Nicole Dickinson as Ensemble
Photo by Andre Goulet